This forum is for the exclusive use of Colonial Pointe residents.   We encourage you to communicate, collaborate and participate, but ask that you respect some basic online discussion etiquette:

  • Keep your posts brief, to the point and concise
  • Do not post any information that you wish to keep private. All registered residents will be able to see this forum
  • Profanity, negative comments related to ethnicity, race, religious beliefs or politics are not tolerated and will not be published
  • Your opinions are valued, as are those of every other resident. Please be constructive and courteous.
  • While this is a social communication tool for residents, not all of us have the same level of online expertise.  To ensure your posts are easy to understand, please limit the use of emoticons, online acronyms, etc.
  • No commercial marketing content or advertising is permitted on the forum.

We hope you will find this forum a useful place to interact with your fellow residents.  Please come back often and be a regular contributor.